Wednesday 19 February 2014

Sun Set

Many people say that they feel delighted to get the spectacle of sun set—so do he. Sun like an Orange ball, with a mass of red lines, like an army following the ball, merging with the ball and giving it an orange red appearance. Hash! he always loves that—but today standing by his window and getting the sight of setting sun he feels no charisma except a deep grief that filled his heart with a pain shouting “today I will never mind if I die”.

He put his hands on his face as by closing his eyes the sun will stop setting. The life will not end. Alas! He was wrong. Moments that slip from his hand cannot come back. He thought of that sunny day when he met that man on the river bank. He was not willing to go their but it was his birthday and just to show him and his friends he care for him he went there on his wish. While driving to the river bank on a signal he purchased a bouquet of flower for the old man.

They spent the evening on the river bank and he was over excited because his son was with him and he was enjoying the beautiful sun set. Holding his bouquet of flowers looking at the sun set in a deep grief of loneliness he said “today I will never mind if I die”. But the son showed no attention to his wet eyes.
He was a telecommunication engineer and was working in multinational company. His job timing was 8:00 to 5:00 p.m.
After his job he often spends his evening with his friends and goes home late night. His father was waiting for him always. His father was a retired man who spends his time with plants and pets. In the morning when he came back from jogging his father was there on the dining table waiting for him. Perhaps he was use to it. Every time when he came back from office, in the morning he saw his father was waiting for him. He often behaves very rudely with him but the old man always remains calm.

Today standing beside his window waiting for his son reminds him the time when his father use to do so. Alas! Now he can feel that woe with which his father said so. Evening always brings pain to him not only because of his loneliness but to feel how his father felt and the sight of sun set always shouts in his soul “today I will never mind if I die”. 

Dua ><(((:>


  1. yeah time is a good lesson for every reflects his or her behaviour of the past

  2. till end i was not sure what was going on ... :)

    1. I was also not sure whats going on :). But it is interesting

    2. Should I take it as a complement to let the reader in a confused situation till end??? :)

    3. thanks alot for saying so :)
