Saturday 22 February 2014

Being In Artificial World

Living like a Robot!!!!

Class differences are continuously growing in our society. VIP culture is prevailing in a poor country like Pakistan where government cannot even afford paper to print passports for its citizens. This culture is in display everywhere in markets, malls, hospitals, roads. The picture is more clear when you are stuck in a blocked road in Pakistan for VIP protocol. Due to many VIP people living in a poor country like Pakistan many bizarre incidents are happening around every day. Media is giving
us shocking news about many people dying in ambulances as they could not reach hospital, but this is normal news now a day for all of us living in Pakistan, we are hearing that babies are born in Auto-Rickshaws and on road sides as mother could not reach hospitals in time. When traveling on roads we find Land cruisers and behind that there will be a long line of 4x4 vehicles full of guards. In our country law is only for poor people, they have to abide by the law, it has no influence on riches and they do not follow any rules or laws.

We meet a lot of people everyday having different approach. Few days back I met a child. I was really
impressed with him. It was cold evening 9:00 pm my brother stopped for filling the tank of car and one boy aged around seven or eight years came near to my widow and asked me to buy something which I did not notice before, after sometime the boy knocked on my window, he was selling some rubbers, pencils, sharpeners and wanted me to buy some to help him. I was very upset to see him as he was out in cold and all of sudden my daughter came to my mind and I compared him with her. I felt pity and thought to buy something, I gave him 100 Rs & in response I took only 1 rubber & sharper. But he was a small courageous kid and returned 100 Rs asking me to take something more. I was happy even being poor he was not a beggar. When I refused to take back remaining money he forced me to take equal amount of things. I was bit ashamed and asked him to calculate & give me the right amount of things

I will share another incident which happened few days back; I was passing through main road and was returning late from my office. A lady was sitting with her very young daughters in a very cold night. I saw her shivering with her daughters. I could not stop my tears and started to weep on her pitiable condition & felt like bleeding internally & that was reality which I could not face. In a flash my kids, my life style & the rest of VIP culture beamed in my mind. I just want to write that my heart speaks. Still I cannot forget that lady and the bitter reality was that she was shivering in very frosting dark night with her tiny, blooming and frightened daughters. Little girls unconscious of bitterness have dreams of a great future in their bright eyes. Those eyes were simply killing, having a lot of unanswerable questions in their minds. They were asking their mother for toys and nice dresses.

I could not imagine how cruel and selfish we are, no one bothered to stop for even her two young innocent
daughters. But everyone including me was in hurry to meet their beloved one who stayed in temperature controlled houses. We do not have time to bother for these tiny ones. I then stopped the car after getting lots of chanting, loudly, screaming horns of cars. I asked them; can I do something for the young ladies. I took them with me and emphasize them to tell me about their needs but what they can ask more than few days of edible goods. Poor people do not have long plans; they just want to eat for living. All they need is a piece of bread. The pain of hunger is as if your stomach is been cut with a knife. This is a bitter reality of life. Have you ever thought about the reasons of this class difference and injustice? This is all because of the failure of our society and above all failure of democracy in our country that propagates for the welfare of people by the people. Democracy have failed and all law enforcement departments , judiciary have failed as everywhere we find a lot of corrupt people who are just in some position that they do not deserve because of back of corrupt leaders . This is because of socio – political imbalance. The corrupt and greedy leaders of our country Pakistan are for making money by every possible way. They are all chameleons behaving separately when around people with separate interests.

On other hand physiological condition of an individual is also responsible for this issue. We do not even deserve to be called as humans. Our thoughts are self-centered we have limited our interests, cares and respect for ourselves only. Our lust for money, property, luxury has become so congested that we cannot imagine seeing across our homes. We are stuck in severe circumstances where brothers are worst enemies. In such situation how good gestures can be expected of us where we do not care for blood relations.

The fascination of today’s age is also responsible for this class difference and unrest in our societies as we are blindly running after luxuries and striving for more, we are so stuck and hooked up with ever increasing demands that we have left behind all the bonds in our society with rest of the humans. We are less concerned and least responsible for others. We are living like robots that unconsciously do what they are supposed or programmed to do having no affiliations and feelings for others. 

As a result of all poor is getting poorer and rich is getting richer . There must be a balance between society. We are forced to live in artificial world with no emotions and feelings where we are not more than robots.

Have you ever thought that why Muslims of sub continent got independence? Where we are progressing? What our schools are producing? What is missing in our education system?

I am sure they did not sacrifice their lives for Protocol and status quo , which is prevailing in our society. Have a look on this YouTube video from Pakistan in which the children of Prime Minister are on some trip with a long fleet of Police and security guards. Watch Video here.

What’s your opinion about that? Are we not living in artificial rooms with no sense of humanity, love, respect and care for rest of human beings dying with pain for basic necessities of life?

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  1. We have to raise the voice against the injustice

  2. Agreed we are in artificial world,new things,technology,social media,lot of things happening.if you have a smart fone with internet world is in ur pocket just on it,it will be under ur finger tips.its all artificial n virtual.

    1. thanks for your comment ,,, u r true in saying soo

  3. I realize world is going through a slient war.

    1. true ..... as we do not know whom we are fighting and why we are fighting , there is a hidden force pushing us to fall

  4. I think every one is corrupt in him/herself.our leaders reflect us.We earn money just to upraise our status.we forget If we hv extra money we hv to spend them for the betterment of humanity.

  5. Wealth/money is not equal to happiness.If v hv a luxurious life with no peace,what we have earned.dont ignore the pricks of conscience.If v ignore it , Consequently, we are robots.....

    1. u r right about that.. I hope this culture will change , we have to come forward and stop the corrupt people and corrupt behaviors from our society

  6. It is sad that class differences are increasing and a lot of problems are increasing in society
