Sunday, 30 March 2014

قلعہ بارل ------------- ايک تاريخی يادگار Baral Fort - Pallandri

قلعہ بارل -------------  ايک تاريخی يادگار
محمد شميم خان ،ايم ايس سی فزيکل ايجوکيشن

پلندری آزاد کشمير سے بارہ ميل جنوب کی طرف دو بڑے نالوں کی درميان اونچی گھاٹی پر ايک عمر رسيدہ اور خستہ  حال عمارت جو قلعہ بارل کے نام سے مشہور ہے، زمانے کی مسلسل بے اعتنائيوں کے باوجود اپنی مثال آپ ہے۔ يہ عمارت تقريبا" پونے دو سو سال قبل تعمیر ہوئ- تیرھویں صدی میں کشمير پر مسلم سلاطين کی حکومت کا آغاز ہوا اور سو برس تک مغل حاکم رہے۔ ستر برس تک پٹھان اور 1819ء سے1845 تک سکھوں کا عمل دخل رہا جبکہ 1846 سے 1947 تک ڈوگرہ خاندان نے اس سر زمين پر اپنے ظلم و تشدد کا بازار گرم رکھا۔ ان حکومتوں کے دوران يہاں کے کئ علاقے آزاد رہے جن میں علاقہ پونچھ (سابق) سر فہرست ہے- آزاد قباءل کی زندگی پرسکون، خوشحال اور فارغ البال تھی- یہ لوگ اپنی طرز زندگی کا ايک عميق اور منفرد فلسفہ رکھتے  تھے۔ بيرونی تسلط کو کبھی قبول نہ کرتے تھے۔ جب سری سکھ حکمران نے یہ چاہا کہ پوری رياست پر ان کا قبضہ رہے تو انہوں نے يہاں کے آزاد حکمرانوں کی آزادی سلب کرنے  کی غرض سے حملہ کر ديا مگر آزاد قبائل نے متحد ہو کر کفر کو  پاک سر زمين سے بھاگنے پر مجبور کر ديا ۔

جب `15 ما رچ 1846 ء کے معاہدہ امر تسر کے تحت رياست 75 لاکھ نانک شاہی کے عوص ڈوگروں کے حوالے کر دی گئ تو گلاب سنگھ نے انگريزوں کے ايما پر دوسری  بار حملہ کيا۔ آزاد قبائل کے پاس کوئ منظم فوج نہ تھی اور نہ سامان جنگ اس قدروافر مقدار ميں موجود تھا کہ بہت بڑی فوج کا مقابلہ عرصہ تک جاری رہتا۔ چنانچہ نتيجہ يہ نکلا کہ انتہائ مزاحمت کے باوجود قبائل کی آزادی  سلب کر لی گئ۔ وقتی طور پر گلاب سنگھ اور اسکے حواريوں نے لوگوں کو ظلم و تشدد سے اپنا مطيع بنا ليا۔ مگر غلامی صرف جسمانی تھی کيونکہ آزادی کی ـچنگاری راکھ کے نيچے دبی دھيرے دھيرے سلگ رہی تھی۔ جس نے ان کے دلوں ميں  ہندو ازم کے خلاف نفرت کی طوفانی آگ بھڑکا دی۔

سکھوں اور ڈوگروں کو پہلی بار جو ہزيمت اٹھانا پڑی تھی تو اس کے انتقام کے طور پر انھوں نے يہاں کے عوام پر ظلم و تشدد کی انتہا کر دی۔ ڈوگرا حکومت نے عوام کی مزہبی، سماجی، تہزيبی وتمدنی زندگی ميں کئ تبديلياں رونما کرنے کی سعی کی۔ نيز ان کی طرف سے کسی وقت بھی اٹھنے والی آزادی کی تحريک کو دبانے اور ہميشہ کے ليے اپنا تسلط برقرار رکھنے کی غرض سے کئی ايک عمارتيں تعمير کروايں جو آج بھی ڈوگرہ دور حکومت کے تشدد اور ظلم و ستم کی ياد دلاتی ہے۔ اسی غرض سے علاقہ بارل ميں ايک قلعہ تعمير ہوا۔ کيوںکہ يہاں کے عوام نے غلامی کی زنجير پہننے سے قطعی انکار کر ديا۔ وہ تو ان تمام تلخ پابنديوں کے باوجود حتی الامکان آزادی کی کوشش جاری رکھے ہوۓ تھے۔

ارادے جن کے پختہ ہوں نظر جنکی خدا پہ ہو
تلاتم خيز موجوں سے وہ گبھرايا نہيں کرتے

يہ قلعہ جو بارل کے وسط ميں واقع ہے۔ ايک سو برس تک ڈوگراہ بربريت کا مرکذ رہا ہے۔ اس کے مشرق ميں کوہالہ، مغرب ميں اٹکورہ، شمال ميں پلندری اور جنوب ميں سہنسہ و اقع ہيں۔ اس کا سنگ بنياد 1837 ميں مہاراجہ گلاب سنگھ کے دور ميں رکھا گيا۔ اسکی تعمير ايک آنہ يوميہ کی مزدوری پر عمل ميں آ‎‎ئی۔ اسکے پتھر سہر نالہ (جو ڈيڑھ ميل کی دوری پرہے) سے لاۓ گۓ۔ عوام علاقہ عمارت کی جاۓ وقوعہ سے مذکورہ نالے تک ايک لمبی قطار بناتے اور پتھروں کو حرکت ديتے رہتے۔ يہ سلسلہ صبح تا شام جاری رہتا حتی کہ عمارت ميں صرف ہونے والےتمام پتھر اسی طریقہ سے لاۓ گۓ ۔علاوازيں سرخی اور چونا پنيالی(جو پانچ میل کی دوری پر ہے) سے لايا گيا۔

ڈوگرہ سا مراج نے مقامی آبادی کو ہراساں کرنے اور ہميشہ کے لۓ اپنا مطيع و فرمانبردار بنانے کی غرض اس قدر مظالم ڈھا‎‎ۓ کے قلعہ کی تعمير کی ابتدا ميں ايک مقامی مسلمان کو قلعے کے بڑے دروازے کے سامنے والے ستون کے نيچے زندہ دفن کر ديا گيا تاکہ لوگ آآزادی کی سی انمول نعمت کو ذہن میں نہ لا سکیں مگر جنہيں ڈوب کر ابھرنا ہوتا ہے بھلا وہ کب طوفان سے ڈرا کرتے ہیں

بے غرق ہو‎ۓ کوئ‎‎ ابھرتا ہی نہيں ہے
جو قوم پر مرتا ہے وہ مرتا ہی نہيں ہے

قلعہ کی تعمير ميں جو پتھر استعمال ہوۓ ہیں وہ مختلف سا‎‎‎ئيز کے ہيں جن ميں سب سے چھوٹا پتھر "4"7 اور سب سے بڑا "12"7 کا ہے البتہ ايک پتھر کی لمبا‎‎‎‎ئ 96 انچ ہے يہ پتھر بڑے دروازس سے داخل ہوتے ہو‎‎ۓ با‎‎‌‌ئيں طرف کے دروازے ميں نصب ہے قلعے کی اندرونی ديواريں 22‎ انچ چوڑی ہيں جبکہ باہر کی ديوار 38 انچ چوڑی ہے جس ميں چاروں بندوںکوں اور ہلکی توپوں سے فا‎‎ئير کرنے کی جگہيں موجود ہيں۔

قلعے کی تکميل اس کی تاريخ آغاز سے لے کر مسلسل کام کے باوجود 1839 ميں ہو‎ئی ۔قلعے کی تکميل کے فورا بعد ہی يہاں ايک ڈوگرا پوليس چوکی قائم کی گئ ۔جس نے عوام علاقہ کو غلامی کی زہجيروں ميں جکڑنے کی ہر ممکن کوشش کی، اور ان پر طرح طرح کے ظم و ستم روا رکھے۔ جب ظلم انتہا کو پہنـچ جا‎‏‏‍‌ۓ تو مظلوم ميں بھی کو‎ئ خوف باقی نہيں رہتا۔ چنانچہ آزادی کی وہ چنگاری جو اندر ہی اندر مظلوم مسلم قبائيل ميں دھک رہی تھی اور جس نے انہيں انگريزی فوج ميں بھرتی ہو کر تربيت حاصل کرنے پر مجبور کر ديا تھا، ايک بار پھر بھرک اٹھی۔ باطل کے خلاف صدا‎‏ احتجاج بلند  ہوتے وقت يہاں اچھے تربيت يافتہ جوانوں کی کو‎‏ئی کمی محسوس نہ کی گ‏ئی۔ کيونکہ يہ لوگ بنيادی طور پر بہادر، جنگجو اور نڈر تھے۔ وہ دشمن کے خلاف صف آرا ہونا جانتے تھے۔ اور يہ جانتے تھے کہ مکاروعيار دشمن سے کيسے نجات حاصل کی جا سکتی ہے۔ آخر کار ان کی عظيم قربانياں و  رنگ لائیں۔ نتيجتا ہم آج آزادی کا سانس لے رہی ہيں۔

گرداب ميں جس شخص کو جينا نہيں آتا
اس شخص کا ساحل پہ سفينہ نہيں آتا

ڈوگرا سا مراج کے قدم اکھڑتے ہی وہی قتل گاہ خاص و عام بچوں کی ايک تربيت گاہ ميں بدل گئی۔ 1947 سے 1957 تک اس قلعے سے مڈل سکول کا کام ليا گيا۔ کيونکہ سکول کيلۓ کوئی دوسری عمارت موجود نہ تھی۔

يہ عمارت جو آج کل اپنی بے بسی اور کسمپرسی پر سرگر يہ کناں ہے دو ہال اور اٹھارہ کمروں پر مشتمل ہے۔ اس کے وسط ميں ايک کنواں جو سنتے ہيں کہ بہت گہرا ہوا کرتا تھا، اب مٹی اور پتھروں سے بھر چکا ہے۔ عصر حاضر ميں اس قلعے کے اندر جس کی عمارت تين کنال کے رقبے ميں پھيلی ہوئی ہے۔ شہتوت، ہاڑی، جنگلی اناروں کے علاوہ بے شمار قسم کی خود رو جڑی بوٹياں اگی ہو‏ئی ہيں۔ کچھ ديواريں حالت رکوع ميں ہيں اور کچھ گريباں چاک ہيں۔ چھت گويا تھی ہی نہيں۔ اے کاش کوئ اس بے چارگی و کسمپرسی پر چارہ گری کا بيڑا اٹھاتا۔ قلعہ بارل آج بھی منتظر ہے کسی ايسی آنکھ کا جس کے دريچے ماضی کی عظمت رفتہ کی ديوار پر کھلتے ہيں۔  

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Basant .... Kite Flying Festival.

A Seasonal Festival

Today I thought to share the joy of a sporting festival. I will introduce you with a famous spring festival of India and Pakistan called Basant  that marks the pleasure and jubilation in the region. The word Basant came from Sanskrit meaning spring. With the arrival of splendid long awaited spring, streams start flowing and the trees bear flowers, birds start singing and honeybees hum from flower to flower and people find a way to express their delight.

This festival is celebrated with the start of spring. There are many stories about this centuries old traditional festival. There is no clear information about the history of Basant and  how the festival was originated. Some writers say basant was firstly celebrated in China where farmers used to fly kites to scare bird for coming in their fields. According to some , it was celebrated by Hindus to mark the start of spring.

Its origin is unknown to majority and whatever was the originating point it is seasonal festival of Indo-Pak Sub continent. It is also called Basant Panchami is actually the herald of spring , it marks the growth of wheat and blooming yellow mustard flowers. According to the fact many females and males dress in yellow color dresses. Females wear yellow and green dress and males use scarf or yellow turbans. Before partition of India and Pakistan Muslims , Hindus and Sikh used to celebrate this together but now it is not much famous among Hindus. It is now celebrated in Punjab ( Indian and Pakistan) where Sikh community from Indian Punjab and Muslim community from Lahore Pakistan celebrate it with great enthusiasm. This festivals have religious aspects for Hindus but for Muslims in Pakistan it is just about kite flying and kite fighting.

By the arrival of spring as rivers of Punjab start gushing people start to equip themselves with kites , strings for the celebration of Basant in Lahore. Joy of spring is enriched by Basant celebration. This festival is more popular in Androon Lahore (inner or old part of the city) with few other areas of Punjab.

Millions of the admirers crowed reveal the kites of different colors with the help of string rolls ( dor) that seem to fly to heavens lifted from rooftops from dawn to dusk. Before it was a thread but now people have started using chemical , grounded glass or metal wires. The purpose is that during competition one party have to cut the thread of other party to bring down opponents’ kite to win. Many different types of fighter kites are used for kite fighting. Cards are printed for Inviting family and friends to join the celebration and special food is prepared for the occasion to serve the guests. All day the celebration continues and people do not sleep at night , during day people fly colorful kites and at night white kites are used so it become visible in light.

Over the years it became very famous and many people from all around the world travel and visit Lahore for this celebration. Pakistan was making seven billion rupees by tourism during basant festival. People show their enthusiasm as the Creator Inflames love in hearts during spring and the whole day of basant  is marked with festivity, the artist and singers are busy throughout the year to bring something special on this occasion . There are many famous songs about Basant that reflect the culture , festivity, diversity and liveliness and romance of Punjab . People dance on the songs that are played on loud speakers during kite flying with beats of drums in the back ground. Many homes and hotels book their roof tops for the celebration. Festival is all about kites , party ,sweets, merry making , fun and air is enamored with screams of … BO KATA( winners shout after cutting thread of opponents). Different days are described for the festival throughout Punjab to keep the enthusiasm of Basant alive.

Whole sky is covered with the flying kites of different colors. It seems that the sky have been painted with beautiful flying objects. Kites with variety of shapes, sizes and colors are used during event. Some youngsters seem busy in dancing , some with kite flying some children carry long rods to collect kites that are cut to fly them again but some collect to resale them.

Unfortunately over the years this festival has lost its original form and transformed to a bloody game and have become very controversial as the traditions of acceptance , patience and respect are uprooted from society. Sometimes very serious fights break during event resulting in loss of lives. This sporting festival has lost its distinctive features and is termed as killjoys by masses in Pakistan after the use of chemical string many lives are lost.  Sometimes the chemical string that is used by enthusiasts comes on roads and cut the necks of children or people walking in many cases often split the neck of motor cyclists. Some youngsters also do firing in air with different types of guns and it cause heavy loss of lives. Keeping in mind the loss and disadvantages Punjab (Pakistan) government have banned the celebration in 2006. The government have made it illegal to fly , make , trade or sell kites, in addition to this, prohibited manufacturing of kite string. Now under law , any violator can be imprisoned for 3 years or can have penalty of Rs.100,000 or both.  Government of Pakistan had suffered the loss of millions of rupees ( Currency of Pakistan) as three grid stations caught fire because of use of metal wire for flying kites.

A large number of people specially women were associated with kite making , most of them are illiterate and do not have any other skill to get their livelihood. According to a report 150,000 people were related to kite making in 2005. Some of them were related to this business from more than ten years. Due to heavy charge and penalty people are scared and cannot keep this business running.

I would like to draw attention of Punjab government on the point that this was a great festival that not only helped people but also government in many ways some got their livelihood from it and some got happiness and fun by enjoying. I hope government will not let vanish this colorful festival. I believe government must allow kite flying but special zones must be reserved where people can enjoy sport and poor people from Punjab can get their source of income. Government must have strict check on chord and make proper regulations relating it’s gauge , material. An alternative employment opportunity must be provided for the women and men who were related to kite flying. Special precautionary measures must be taken on roads to avoid any causality specially for motorcyclists. Government must also ensure the use of helmets by motorcyclists. As there are many sports around the world which brought large scale loss of lives but no one banned the sport but tried to find the ways to make it less harmful.

Multitude of Pakistan are saddened by the decision as it was a way for them to relax and look forward that government will lift the ban in accordance with the orders of court on long awaited festival and give people a chance to enjoy extravaganza of the sport festival by indulging the jubilation with sportsman spirit  .

I hope that the horizon of Punjab will be brightened with the fanciful kites and air will be full of Boo Katta sounds soon.  

What do you think about this festival and if you know that it is also celebrated in some other parts of the world then I will be happy to know that. 

Thank you for your time and I hope to have you again.

Image used from

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

حضرت لقمان -- Hakim Luqman

حضرت لقمان

تحرير: ہمایوں ساجد

حضرت لقمان کی زنرگی (970 ق م تا 870 ق م)مرقع حکمت وفراست ھے-حضرت لقمان کی نصاع کے علاوہ ان کے سوانح عمری والد،اولاد و ازواج کے حالات مخفی ہیں ان کے بارے میں چند ايک روایات ہيں- ان کے ہم عصر حضرت داؤد کے عہد کو سامنے رکھتے ہوۓ ان کی تاريح و لادت اور تاریح وفات اخذ کی گئ ھے-حضرت لقمان کےبارے ميں مشہور چيزيں جو راوايات میں ملتی ھيں ان ميں ان کا حبشی ھونا، نوبيہ ميں پيدا ہونا،غلام ہونا،پيشہ نجار اور حياط و مويشی بانی کے علاوہ ان کے عہد ميں بادشاہی کا بھی زکر ملتا ھے۔شايد يہ تمام واقعات بتدريج ہوۓ ہوں گے ۔ غلامی کے بعد ،آزادی کے بعد ، مختلف پيشے اختيار کيے پھر خراوند نے اپنے اس موجد درويش کو بادشاہی عنایت کی ۔
ان تمام کا تزکرہ مختلف کتابوں ميں بدرجہ موجود ہے ۔

خصرت لقمان کا ہر طرز فکر ابھی مستقبل لاءم  عمل ہے  حضرت لقمان کی طبی حکمت کا لوہا ہر دور میں مانا گیا ''قول'' وہم کا علاج  تو حکيم لقمان کے پاس بھی موجود نہیں۔


ايک قول کے مطابق آپ حضرت داؤد کے زمانے  ميں تھے۔ روایت ميں موجود ہے کہ آپ کو حکمت اود نبوت میں سے ایک چیز لینے کی پیشکش کی گئ آپ  نے حکمت کو اپنا یا۔  

حضرت لقمان نبی تھے یا  نہیں

      علامہ ابن کثیر اپنی تسیر میں لکھتے ھیں۔  اس میں سلف کا اختلاف ہے کہ حضرت لقمان نبی تھے یہ نہیں آکثر حضرات فرماتے ہيں کہ آپ نبی نہ تھے 'پرہيزگار ولی اور اللہ کے پيارے بزرگ بندے تھے ۔سيدين حسيب فرماتے ہیں آپ کو حکمت عطا ہوئ تھی ليکن نبوت نہيں ملی تھی۔
   بعض روایات کے مطابق حضرت کی قبر کا نشان   بحر طبريہ  کے مشرقی کنارے پر فلسطين ميں ہے اور بعض نے ان کا مزار يمن ميں ہونا بتايا ہے ۔                                                                                                
اوصاف و مناقب

 ايمانداری، شکر گذاری، صابر، عقل و دانش سے معمور رہبری، حرام سے نفرت۔ حکمت والے،(جنتی) ابن عباس کی روایت ہے کہ رسول اللہ نے فرمایا کہ تين حبشی اہل جنت ميں سے ہيں۔                           
1۔ حضرت لقمان 2۔ نجاشی 3۔ بلال

آخرت کی اہميت

حضرت لقمان نے اپنے بيٹے سے کہا کہ اگر دنيا کو آخرت کے عوض ميں دے ڈالے تو دونوں ميں نفع رہے گا- اور اگر آخرت کو دنيا کے بدلے ميں دو گے تو دونوں ميں نقصان رہے گا- کوئ چيز تيرے نزديک حصول آخرت سے زيادہ نہ ہو-

دنيا کی مثال

حضرت لقمان نے فرمايا کہ دنيا ايک گہرا سمندر ہے- اس ميں بہت سے لوگ ڈوب گۓ- اورتم اپنی کشتی دنيا ميں تقوی کو بنا‎‎ؤ اور ايمان کو اس ميں رکھو اور توکل کا بادبان چڑھاؤ تاکہ موج طوفان سے نجات پاؤ- گو مجھے معلوم نہيں کہ نجات ملے-
حکيم لقمان ايک عزيم اور بلند پايا سوچ کے حامل ولی اللہ تھے- آپ پر اللہ پاک نے بہت سی عنایات فرمائ- آپ کی زندگی ايک مومن کے لۓ نجات کا سفر ہے- اللہ رب العزت ہر مومن کو حکيم لقمان کی تعليمات پر چلنے کی توفيق عطا فرماۓ-

Sunday, 23 March 2014

International Day of Happiness.


Spring brings many pleasant changes with it. It has an everlasting effect on moods of people that prevail throughout the year because of its celebrations. If we look around in the world then many festivals are celebrated by the arrival of spring , like; Hindus are enjoying their Holi , Passover a Jewish holiday ,  Nowruz identifies first day of spring celebrated in Central Asia , Semana Santa holiday observed in Catholic countries and many more festivals around the world are observed during spring. No matter which festival world is celebrating students around the globe are happy to have their spring break .

United Nations General Assembly accepted the decision of observing International Day of Happiness on 20th March every year. It acknowledges that happiness is "fundamental human goal" and asked for "a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes... happiness and well-being of all peoples". International Day of Happiness was first celebrated in 2013.

On this special day many people posted pictures on social media showing their meaning of happiness. Many programs were organized to give people a chance to be happy. Many surveys were also carried out online by different organizations to know about the choice of people , what they believe that can bring happiness for them. Majority of surveys showed that happiness and well being matters more to people than the wealth. Most of the people selected happiness and well being over wealth. Many workshops and seminars were run throughout the day in different places and institutions to emphasize the need to be happy and to aware people how they can make themselves more happier as it is profitable to individuals, organizations and ultimately for the country.

Initially Bhutan declared a day of happiness – its people are considered to be one of the happiest in the world.

Choices and criterion to be happy vary from person to person , some value their relations with family and friends , some give importance to  their religion over other things , some think that their work , appearance , possessions matter a lot for them to be happy.

All of you must have gone through all such statements and blogs for the day but what I want to discuss is , what is the need for the day and if it will come and pass like normal days for many people of the world , without any significant influence on their lives.

On this day , when many people are busy collecting pictures and participating in different events organized by committees or societies for having fun. Many throw a party gather their friends and enjoy. Media has also created hype to get best out of this day but the picture that few people from around the world show or media is depicting is far from reality in most of developing countries of the world.

Many people participate in such activities laugh for a while and think that they are happy . But once they return to their life after few hours the situation is same they are again depressed and unhappy. First we have to be sure what happiness actually means and how can one be happy. Just participating in events and having few laughs does not ensure happiness. What is Laughing in your opinion ??? Do you believe it shows  happiness????? You may have come across many around you who laugh loud and try to pretend that they are really happy , but in my part of world ( South Asia) we believe that behind loud  laughs misery and sadness is hidden somewhere . People who laugh a lot actually they try  to cover up their  sadness by laughing . But for sure it’s not the right way at all to hide their despair , pain or sorrow . People repeatedly laughing are sad and have a deep hollowness inside that seems to be killing them.

I think on such days we must not only think for ourselves and do not plan things to make us happy as going in an event playing some games having fun for few hours is not a happiness , it can give you laughs for some time but after that it’s effect will fade. Everyone around the world , no matter belonging to any religion , creed or culture , is rich or poor , young or old , surely feels happiness in life no matter it's big or small. For some just a small gesture or chirping bird out of window brings happiness .

Overall happiness can be achieved by improved quality of life , many factors are involved but most importantly it includes ; improvement in health services , improvement in economic growth.

If we see around the world and compare some statistics from online surveys than we come to know that even with large scale advancement in science and technology the condition of a common man is not improving but it is getting worse than before. If we see our ancestors than they are happier than us. They are more contented and satisfied. Everyone surviving today is under many pressures from society , family , work place. We are stressed and over burdened by the ever increasing demands. Some are after status , some after luxurious life . You cannot meet a single person who will tell you that he is happy and contented with what he has.

In west the condition of people is much better than the east . In west one is not stressed about many such issues that are faced by people in east. People in west have healthy life and best medical facilities , the economic condition of countries is much better than East. I want to talk about South Asia , where  people have financial , health , accommodation , transportation problems. The ratio of crimes is ever increasing day by day. Many people living under the poverty line could not even earn to feed their families. Due to education west have controlled their population and is proportional to their resources but in east the sword of increased population is hanging on head on nation. People are not aware of their rights , they have no health services , purified drinking water is not available in many areas and people are drinking contaminated water causing many fatal diseases . Governments do not have resources to provide people with basic necessities of life…

If you have a look around you in world there are many people who do not know the meaning of happiness as they are stressed and starving , they are hungry and dying because of lack of food. They do not have any place to live and sleeping in streets or on footpaths or parks. Some do not have resources for income and females sell themselves for few loafs of bread. Children are being sold and killed because parents are afraid as their children will starve to death.  Many small children are sold for camel race in middle east , just to have few pieces of paper that will help parent to be alive. People are selling kidneys just to bring food for their families.  Some are being killed and some participate in negative activities like suicide bombing just to keep their families alive. No choice is left for them. They are deprived of basic necessities of life. Their life is bitter and no special day can bring any change to their lives. They do not take part in any activity going around in rich circles of the cities to celebrate the day of happiness and well being.  If I start counting upon the miseries of people in poor areas of South Asia then It will take years and even then I suspect some will remain unlisted or even unnoticed.

I always wonder , what a world we live in …. People are being killed and many are killers.  There are many who waste a lot of money on luxuries of life , they are in quest of having latest model car , latest technology at their palaces. On the other hand there are people who are going from door to door begging for a penny , some are killing themselves and their loved ones as they cannot afford a single loaf of bread.

Few days back I came across a news in which a lady killed her three children as she told to media she could not afford food for them to keep them alive , they were hungry from couple of days and she was not left with any other option. As a mother I can understand how much tough it is for specially a mother to take such step.

Why I am talking about all such things under happiness day topic . I just want to tell that we take so many things as for granted and do not even think of people around the world who are suffering. What difference it will make if I do not have iPhone  5 or precious stones are not engraved in my hand bags or jewelry . Buying such thing can never bring happiness and well being. Real happiness can be achieved if we try to save and go and help such deprived ones. Your each and every saved drop of water can bring life for them , your each and every loaf of bread saved for being wasted and thrown out can save them from starvation , your each penny saved  can save their lives .

We are living in world where we can help each other grow .  Dozens of studied in every field like psychology, economy, education etc reveals that happiness can be easily achieved and happy society is more profitable.

There are a uncountable benefits of the happiness to the society and individual. Take a moment and decide that you have to drive things around you towards a better future. Make a goal to achieve ultimate happiness by helping and saving for those who are needy. It must not be limited to yourself try to engage your family , friends , colleagues with you in this quest.  Try to motivate each and everyone around you to think about those who do not have access to basic necessities of life. It will take a lot of time and effort but once you came in charge then you can surely turn the things around and you will be heading towards a real happiness. It will not be limited for a day or will no longer dependent on one day celebration.

It is never too late so make a plan and mark a clear strategy for next World Happiness Day celebration , try to spread your message to others that you do not want to enjoy your day by forgetting others but want others to join hands in hands and celebrate together. Let others know that you want them to get their part of happiness , use your social media , take help from family , friends and colleague to make a change on next year Happiness day by working for well being of people. Make a resolution by selecting any action that can help bringing your happiness and help others as well. Make your life a beautiful struggle helping others and comforting them it will bring real happiness your way. By doing so you will be washed with a perfect peace of your mind and soul.

                           March Equinox also fall upon 20th of March.

 Have you ever thought that does it make any difference in lives of others by celebrating a day???

So what is your resolution of the day, what action you will choose for yourself to help in bringing happiness your way that can also bring a positive influence in other’s lives.

Thank you for stopping by and taking time to read the voice of poor from across the world.

I will be happy to if you will share your thoughts with me.

Images used from: 

Friday, 21 March 2014

Chili Sauce ( Chatni )

Different types of Sauce are commonly used in South Asia with food to add some spicy touch to our food.
Today I will tell you about an easy recipe of a sauce that you can prepare to enhance the taste of any kind of food that you will prepare for your Lunch or Dinner.
All you need ;

  1. Blender 
  2. Cucumber ( 1 medium size)
  3. Lemon juice of ( 1 medium size lemon)
  4. Mint
  5. Red or Green chilies ( 2-3)
  6. Coriander 
  7. Tomato ( 1 medium size)
  8. Garlic ( 3 cloves , chopped)
  9. Ginger (small piece)
  10. Onion ( 1 medium in size)
  11. Salt ( according to taste)
  12. Yogurt 

Recipe :

Chop all ingredients and put them in the blender with 1 or 2 spoon of yogurt. Blend for 2 minutes and it will be a thick paste. You can add some water if you need a thin mixture.( If you do not want to add yogurt you can simply add water)
You can use it with food and store in an airtight jar and keep refrigerated after use. 

If you need hot sauce then you can add more chilies than I mentioned . It all depends on your choice. You will really like the taste as it will be little sour and spicy.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Kashmir - Origin and Meaning

Kashmir is called paradise on earth—due to its natural magnificence. The stunning mountains, fabulous springs, magical waterfalls, snow covered peaks and the entire splendor one can dream is there in the valley called Kashmir. Kashmir is situated in heart of Himalaya and Karakorum.

The geographical situation of Kashmir is such that it is covered in mountains and has no international relations due to foreign powers grip on area. That’s why world is unaware of many breathtaking and wonderful aspects of this bliss land.

The word ‘Kashmir’ always remained as a matter of debate for history writers and discoverer.  There are so many stories told by different people about this name yet many history writers wrote and try to provide a logical and authentic meaning or reason for this name as for as their research and exploration is concerned. 

Some of such examples are:
Pandat Kulhan writes in his famous book “Raj Tarangi” that in pre historic era this part of world was under water and a deep lake was situated here—which was called ‘Sati Sar’ lake. And a giant monster had hidden under water in this lake. That monster not only annoyed people living around the lake but also eat them. People of the area were continuously bothered by the giant so much but were incapable of getting rid of him. Then a man having spiritual powers “Kaship Rashi” came to this area and people of the area told him about the monster and how they are suffering from his cruelty. Kaship Rashi dried all the water using his spiritual powers. As the giant monster came out it was killed by sliding a mountain. From lake drying a plain valley came out which was called ‘Kaship Mir’ means land vacant by Kaship. So according to this custom the old name of Kashmir was ‘Kaship Mir’ and with the passage of time it was modified to Kashmir.

Muhammad Saeed Asad in his book ‘Jammu o Kashmir book of knowledge’ writes that according to a custom Kashmir was previously called “Tat saru bohmeiow” which means land of Therthu—this word means water spring and it is also a family name. The first and most known Thert was ‘Neil Nag Chashma’.

Many people say that he was the son of Kaship Rashi. His birth place was the water spring in ‘veer e nag town’. In pre historic time people of Kashmir worship the water springs and such water springs were present in enormous number in Kashmir. The excess of water springs throughout Kashmir was the reason to call this area ‘Tat saru bohmeiow’

 Some writers write that in 558(BC) a group of Bani Israel people came to the area from Syria. When they felt the fresh air, water and climate of the area they called it ‘kah sheer’ kah is a Hebrew word means "just like" and esheer means like Syria. So Bani Israel called this place like Syria in pre historic time which became ‘Kashmir’ as the time passed. Native Kashmiri speaker still calls it ‘kah sheer’.

It’s also written in literature that when Bani Israel came to the area and saw that people of Kashmir have no faith on any Holy Book and they eat without slaughtering the animals which they were also offered, they refused and replied ‘iss chay kahshar’ meaning we eat halal. In Hebrew Kahshar means a person who eats halal. From Kahshar it turned out Kashmir.

Some history writer told that this name came from ‘kass’ and ‘mera’. It is said that whole Kashmir was a lake and kass means lake water and mera means dry land. So combining these words will give meaning as a lake whose water is dried. Later it was called as Kashmir.

It is also said that Kashmir is a combination of ‘kis’ and ‘mir’. Kis means steam and mir means high place. So a high place with plenty of steams.

I believe history of name Kashmir is disputed issues as Kashmir issue its self.



Majoon Tamar ( Date Balls)

Dates are extensively used in Saudi Arabia. But its use increases during Holy month of Ramadan in every Muslim majority country across the world.  Dates are source of energy that is why it is advised by our Beloved Prophet Mohammad ( P.B.U.H) to use it in Ramadan. Dates are very good and sweet  in taste.  Because of sweet taste Arabs eat dates with sugar free Arabic coffee or kahwa.

Here in Saudi Arabia dates are used in different forms like whole dates , ground dates coated dates or dates with biscuits and many other things. It is an essential part of food every day , people serve guests with this also send it as gift to friends and family. It is really popular here.

Today I will share very simple and quick recipe of a delicious sweet with you.


You will need;
  1. Cleaned , and mashed ( ground) Dates half kilogram.
  2. Nuts ( that you like)
  3. Pinch of Salt
  4. Half tea spoon of black pepper
  5. Half tea spoon crushed cardamom seeds
  6. Coconut powder
  7. Sesame seeds 
  8. Raisins
  9. Jam for coating. 

Clean and dry the dates then take out its seed and mash it , you can use your blender to make its paste as you can see in picture. Otherwise you can get it from market , it is easily available and cheap in price. 
Then you will grind all the dried nuts that you like. Add all the ingredients in dates paste then mix well . Now you can make small balls or any other shape you want.

For coating you can roll some of balls in sesame seeds and some of them in coconut powder. If you want to add both in the mixture you can. You can also dip them in jam and put icing sugar or nuts.
Now have a taste of yummy full of energy Arabic sweet with green tea.

You can also pack them with biscuits and other sweets and gift to your friends and family , I am sure they will like it.

Store Date Balls in air tight jar at room temperature.

In first picture on top you can see the balls rolled with sesame seeds and coconuts. That is the final shape of your sweet. But can can have in any shape you want.

When ever you prepared this sweet let me know about the taste I will be happy to know . If you like the recipe also pass it to your friends.

Thank you for your time. I hope you will stop again for another simple recipe.

بدلتی سیاست

Posted By : Imran khan

The Real Freedom Fighters and our Duties


“Tareekh e Sudhnoti” By Masood Ahmed Khan

“Zikr  Bahar Akhir” By Masood Ahmed Khan

Friday, 14 March 2014

What a Day!!! International Women's Day.

 I got up in morning with a thought to finish all the pending tasks from whole week as it is a weekend today on 8th March , 2014. I started my day with breakfast then did my laundry , cleaning and finally I sat down to prepare some assignments and quizzes and lecture for my students as I am working as a teacher in a local institute in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. For some references I opened and came to know that it’s my day today. I mean it is the International Women’s Day.

I am a women in South Asia who came to know about something important going on around the World for my rights and betterment or anything else related to life only if I came across by chance.  

It really made me wonder as many other days are celebrated with great enthusiasm like Civil  Defense day was celebrated then we had fun on cultural day few months back. No one from my colleagues , friends , family wished or informed me or even no event was organized in my institute regarding this important day. In fact . it really made me sad. Then I Google more about the importance of the day and came to know that this day was celebrated by different countries having their own themes and objectives for the day throughout history since 1900s. In an international conference in Denmark , Socialist lady Luise Zietz from Germany raised the point for a unified observance of the day in August 1910. Hundreds of the women from seventeen countries agreed the proposed idea and emphasized to observe the day to give equal rights to women in every field.   In 1977 it was observed as a popular event when United Nation General Assembly announced March 8th as United Nation’s Day for Women and World Peace.

In some countries it is celebrated as Mother’s Day some take it as a Valentine’s Day to show , care , love and respect towards women who play a vital role in life as being mother , sister , wife etc.

Many International Organizations stand for rights of women in this male dominated society and claim for equal opportunities and rights for females in every field of life . Many women have gained respect internationally for their struggle to empower women politically   , educate them  and provide them with ; better health facilities to survive a long healthy life and  justice in their doorsteps.

There are many names from South Asia as well who struggled hard for recognition of the capabilities  of women in different fields . Like nowadays Malala Yousafzai is striving hard for the education of females in some remote areas of Pakistan and have gained respect from masses from around the Globe.

Apart for all the struggle from a small number of women around the world and the observance and celebrations , I just want to tell the world that many women living in South Asia or other poor countries of the world do not know about any such day or they are not aware of any one fighting for their equal rights. They are not even aware of their rights , they live a life in a miserable and pitiable condition and suffering more than yesterday.  They are dying every day because of lack of health facilities, they are beaten badly by male members for nothing , they are considered as useless part of family , having no right to speak or give their suggestion in any decision of their life , male do  not even bother to ask their will. 

Celebration or observance of holiday does  not mean anything for them as it cannot grant them good health or medicine, it cannot save them from domestic violence and oppression , it cannot give them strength to speak . This does not make any difference in their lives if any day is specifically observed for their rights and people cry for them.

In almost every country around the world many women come out of their houses rallying cross main roads in cities , programs are organized , seminars , symposiums with women enchanting slogans for their rights ; some stand for equal rights , some shout  against domestic violence , some raise voices to give equal opportunities in education and jobs . Every society cries for their own problems as many females demanding right to drive in country like Saudi Arabia . But none of such rallies can bring poor , uneducated women their basic rights of living , none of slogans can be heard by them. They have a lot of restrictions ; boundaries of religion , culture , customs that they can never cross, not even think about crossing as they know that a miserable death is waiting outside.

The main reason for their suffering is being uneducated . They do not know that the way in which they are treated by the male members of their family is a crime according to rules of their own countries. They take this treatment as their destiny and fulfill every demand as their duty , and they believe in continuously doing so as they have seen their mothers , grandmothers etc going through same situation doing the same.

Women make fifty percent of World’s population and in many developing countries women are even more than men but it is a sad aspect that they are not given fifty percent share in overall opportunities of the world . Poor countries can progress in every filed if they will empower , educate their women as they are poor as not utilizing half of their potential. Developing countries must try to decrease gap in society.  Many organizations are trying to help women to get equal opportunities  for job , education , health and trying to give them representation in politics.

Many countries are trying to support females ; changing their regulations to accommodate females also giving them support to be effective part of society. Here in Saudi Arabia the condition of females is changing every day. I personally believe that the females in KSA are blessed as they are protected by every possible way. They are given right to vote and have their Identity Cards . Government is giving better opportunity to females for education in every field and producing lot of job opportunities for them. Now females hold main positions in major sectors and companies of the country. 

Apart from little development in some parts still no one in the world even in advanced countries thinks about giving women a right for equal pay as well , for equal amount of work they are never considered eligible for equal amount of pay. Many women holding same degrees and skills  never get a chance to be equally paid as their male colleague. So women in suffering every where in the world but the suffering is more in developing countries than advanced.

Regardless of the ethnicity , customs , traditions or society or country there is no way that a rapid recovery will be made to end differences and issues.  But I personally believe when the women will come forward herself and raise  her voice against injustice  , there will be improvement in her condition with a quick healing.

A women like me having all the facilities like internet , television , news paper is that unaware just because she is busy with her home and work place , how came we can expect that women living in rural areas with not communication facilities , having no Television , newspaper can know about this all.

If someone really wants to benefit such women from poor areas , a large scale campaign must be launched in which not only women but also men volunteers must reach such women to help them , educate them , aware them and above all get poor women some resources so they can live a life of their own . Just rallies , slogans and one day holiday or celebration with lot of  discussion , debate  will not make any difference in their lives.

I wish that soon female will hold her right position in national development in many poor countries of the world by having more and better access to education .  I wish she will have a long happy and  healthy life. I wish she will play vital role in political decisions of  her country. 

I will be happy to know , how you have celebrated women's day?

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Be a Gardener

Greenery always has a positive effect on environment and living organisms. Deforestation is a severe problem. It is not only demolishing animal shelter—a threat for their survival but also killing humanity. Everyone knows that the key distracter is human himself.   The need of the hour is that we should take it as a serious problem and try to search for its alternatives where ever it is used.

Gardening is a superb hobby. It not only makes your house beautiful and gives it a lively touch but also have a soothing effect. It is the best way to consume your spare time. Gardening play a vital role for modern man to spent some time with nature and get relaxed.

Gardening is the oldest skill in the world. The description of beautiful gardens can be found in many holy religious books. For example in Quran and Bible it is written that God made the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and put them in to a beautiful Garden in Eden. In Quran it is written a number of times that, on the Day of Judgment poise people will be granted to live in gardens of Eden where they will enjoy all the luxuries and they will live in those gardens forever.

Poet Tennyson even consider Adam as first gardener and says that “the grand old gardener and his wife”. Therefore gardener belong to the oldest trade of human race. No doubt gardeners should feel proud of their profession. Moreover we should try to develop gardening habit and try to get knowledge about gardening. To be a gardener and a good gardener we must know about plants and their uses. We must know about plants that can be grown in our soil and climate or what type of soil is required for potatoes like plants and what type of soil needed to grow roses—which plants need more water to grow and which requires less.

To be a gardener not only gives you a beautiful landscape in front of your house but it serves to develop certain virtues in your personality. Gardener sow a seed waits for a plant to grow from seed, water the plant and waits till it grows up bear flowers and finally fruits. In this way gardening adds patience to your nature. Gardening gives you foresightedness. A gardener must think before time about the coming season and plan for that moment in advance to avoid any harm. He must work hard in order to get good results so this industrious quality flavors his personality. Moreover he gets methodical, regular and logical in his life.

All these qualities are the outcome of “Being A gardener”. To live better happy lives adopt gardening as a hobby and spend time with nature where everything surrounding you is beautiful and thought provoking.

Monday, 10 March 2014

FIFA Lifts Ban on Head cover (Hijab).

 I came across the news that FIFA have authorized the female footballers to cover their heads during football matches.  This decision was taken on the demand of female players who do not want the religion to be  kept apart from a their game of football.

 I personally believe that there must not be and segregation or prejudice because of any race or religion . Everyone in the World is created on same basis and we can should not discriminate among them just because of religion or race.

Previously the hijab was banned for Muslim women until 2012 . Cover on head is just like anyone wear shirt or trouser . It’s part of Muslim female  dress. We  see sikh community males have their religious turbans on their head during different games. If sikh males are using turban according to their religion without effecting their performance then why there is always problem with females covering their heads. As far the performance is not affected it must not matter and specially the religion and sport cannot be separated but are linked.

 If females feel comfortable to play while having a cover on head then why anyone else have problem with that . Many Muslim females are habitual of covering their head according to Law of Islam and it has just become a part of them , without hijab certainly they will not be comfortable and surely their performance will be effected.

If we will start dragging religion out of our sports so certainly many people and groups will be offended in one way or the other. We must think of what are the negative and positive implications in this case. Stopping  any group or race or religion to follow their law only depicts the lack of tolerance.  Any expression as per law of one religion or group must not be taken offensive by the other group or religion in any way.
We must think how covering hair by some females offend others on ground. According to the law of Islam covering the hair is a must for Muslim females. Many people around the globe hate Islam and associate many brutal activities with it. Any evil act is someone’s  personal expression-and that is consequence of wrong interpretation of the religion by a certain group or race for their own benefits . In fact law of Islam have nothing to do with such acts.

If it is possible that we start banning all the players  praising their Creator according to their religion in a certain way after victory – by such act surely  all the players following any certain religion will be banned. It will result in promoting atheism or non believers . Even if we become non-believers still we will support any act that  makes the players comfortable to continue their game and give their best.

No one would have ever complained that he is offended by a certain way of prayer by some player ….. I personally believe if we stop someone doing something as per their religion we are actually violating his rights to live freely in the World.

A play like foot ball that is the most famous game of the world ,having millions of players from around the World. People are from different ethnicity , nation , race , culture and country.  A play like this can have it’s vital role to  strengthen and unite people , rather segregating them  on the basis of religions , race or culture.

People must be given a chance without race or creed in every field of life , even if it is any game . This is a fact that religion is base of our societies and involvement of religion in our daily lives cannot be neglected. Surely our acts will be affected in some way or the other by our religion.   Thus surely we cannot separate it from football in any way . No matter if football being touched by religion and racism but we must not let anyone effect  freedom  of  others.

I just want to appreciate a positive move by authorities of FIFA that in a popular game like Football it has not shown any prejudice. It will attract more women in the game. It depicts the respect of every culture and religion. 

There must not be any discrimination regarding religion and everyone must stand united against unfair policies.   Discrimination must be condemned in each form and should be put to an end from every field of life and the people must be given a choice for living their own life in their own style.

According to report by Aljazeera FIFA has also allowed the use of turbans to sikh community in game.