Friday 2 May 2014

Our Problems... Do you have a solution?????

I could not write from last few weeks. It seems to me that my passion, motivation, aggression  and ideas to write are lost somewhere or in deep slumber. I am simply too busy with my daughter , job , official assignments and plans for my holidays and thoughts to move on and find a new place with some new experiences. It has become a hard task for me to cop up with my blog .I was in search of something to click and drive me to write and unfortunately nothing really clicked
L . Many friends contacted me and showed concern about my quietness and tried to give me ideas and motivation to start it again. It really helped me a lot to get back from my hiatus on track.

I was thinking to write about something different on positive subject, as mostly I am writing about sad aspects of life but this pause has not helped me at all. Today I thought that this break may not take me totally away from blogging and my enthusiasm for blog die , so  I am back again with some sad story. This is one thing that comes to my mind without any struggle .  I am thinking to talk about the problems that we face as an individual or on basis of culture , nationality , ethnicity etc .

What are our problems????

From West to East millions of humans are living on planet earth. Throughout the World regardless of the religion ,if one is  Muslim , Christian, Jewish or Hindu everyone is facing problems. Having a luxurious or a poor life in a rich or a poor country.

No one is safe from problems around the world, people are dying of fatal diseases , pollution , wars , terrorism, drugs , natural calamities , suffering from discrimination , poverty ,  injustice ,  lack of education and basic necessities of life etc.  In Muslim majority countries  there are many issues , that are being continuously discussed on many forums like issue of terrorism that have got its strong roots in Muslim world after devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11. Muslims are facing terrorism from outside but the biggest threat is from within.  Besides terrorism or war on terror Muslim countries are having more population than their  resources . Population is continuously increasing and creating major problems of food shortage , corruption , violence , domestic violence that are more common in South East Asia . Increase in poverty  rate , child labor , human trafficking and many more, the list is unending.

In many Muslim majority countries there is chaotic situation where people and government are fighting against each other. Mostly world believes that Muslims as terrorist and everywhere there are news of killing , bombing etc. that is linked to Muslims in one way or the other. I believe that if world is taking Muslims as terrorists and blaming Islam for this . Islam which in reality is a religion of peace , harmony , love , respect , kindness and brotherhood .I believe that this is fault of Muslims as Islam do not teach what has been done or still going on or is portrayed to world. If world is taking Islam in negative sense then Muslims have to sit back and analyze their actions.  

In poor or developing countries of the world like in Pakistan , the worst problem is of corruption. The leaders are corrupt they do not bother about the needs and demands of their nation but are fully devoted to their own pockets and do not spare any single chance to get black money or convert black money to white one. People are mostly poor , helpless , needy and waiting for a miracle to happen and hold and strengthen them to rise. They must learn that miracles do happen but not so often , they have to be determined , courageous and motivated  and inspired to stand against all the atrocities. They must stand united to stop the hands, stealing their right. There are also many terrorist groups who are destroying people and property and many precious lives are lost in war against them.

People in India also face  many problems like  poverty , corruption and they are also struggling to control their increasing population but I am pleased to see the commitment of every learned Indian couple to keep their family short. India have also created problems by taking  control of Kashmir against the will of many Kashmiris.  

Some  countries in their quest to be one of super power of the world are violating rights of minorities in different parts. In many other countries where different religions are living together people and governments  are facing different problems .

Some countries  have created certain problems for rest of the world and they are fighting hard to know  how to control the world , like Israel is working on making their  greater promised land. In this quest they are torturing Muslims in Palestine directly  and in many other parts of the world indirectly  . Who knows who will be their next target. They are striving to take control of the wealth and resources of  rest of the world.

There are many more issues that are faced by the people of different continents. If we do not have food to eat, water to drink , place for shelter, cloth to cover ,  we are ready to do anything to get them. Once  we have them all we have a different situation and problems start varying.

Many countries try to resist and ban the laws or customs of  minorities and ask them to  follow the code of life of majority , leaving behind their own . Like we see across the globe there are debates about removing hijab , ban on slaughtering of meat in a specific way by Muslims and Jews . In some parts one thing is banned and in other parts other is banned.

Countries that have wealth , health , food and shelter ,they are trying to take control of resources of others and are in quest of more land to govern and after more wealth. Simply they are in quest to improve their " Power". What they will do after the any increase or improvement in power?? I think no one knows.  All of us are hearing from few powerful countries of the world about the efforts that are made to bring world's peace but we can not have peace by destroying some parts or people of specific race , nationality or ethnicity. Peace will come with destruction but when we will all  accept and respect the differences. 

In few western countries many are fighting against the violation of their rights. Some struggling for gay and lesbian rights, some stand for feminism . Many people have put aside their belief just to sneak their way to be a gay or a lesbian.

In many parts people do not think of others who have nothing to eat and  more money is wasted on shopping , makeup, gold , drinks and luxuries.

I am not trying to say that world should leave it's comforts and stand for poor and developing countries but there is a need to stand and fight together for a better future with mutual sharing and caring.

By having a look around us we can easily know, how according to situation the conditions , demands, behaviors and problems of community change. Who have nothing have gone behind the line and there are some in same world who have gone beyond that line.

 If we talk about gender then all of us know that women is most oppressed and victim of torture and violence in many parts of the world. Someone is stopping women to wear veil and someone is stopping her to go out in world. You can check many such examples in tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan .

Com’on we are living in 2014.

What do you think of women ??? Are they  commodities ??Do they have a voice and a right or just are created for men??? Who keep them as they want or according to their need . Do you believe that women do not have the right to live their life ?

I am no one to judge anyone, but  Creator have created us to help and support
each other.  We must have feelings in our hearts for those who are dying of hunger, starving and are thirsty. It is not necessary to do something on large scale or big for them , it can start with a smile on our face to give them a courage and hope.

I can think about what you will be feeling while reading this post , even I am feeling sad. Humans are complicated somewhere suffering and somewhere creating problems. I believe that you are bold enough to take a step ahead and save many and you will not let others sink  in darkness and depression but will be a hope and will help many.

We meet a lot of people around the world , who have become silent as they do not want them to be treated in a certain way , but it can never help them but  complicates the problem....   We must be bold enough to stand , limit our prejudice, fight and show the world that we can not only  speak, but can help many who are suffering. We must strive to make a balanced society .

What in your opinion can be the cause of all such problems and what can be the solutions and how can we get to a better future , where  everyone live freely according to his belief with plenty of happiness , peace and freedom ? 

I will be happy if you will share your opinion with me and tell me what are the problems that you or people in your part are facing?

Thank you for reading this post as it was very aggressive in many ways and maybe I have hurt your feelings un intentionally . I feel sorry for that.

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  1. The problem and solution are the same but will always be adversaries at the same time. Everything good and bad stems from it. People are corrupt because of it. People want more of it. People don't care who gets hurt in the pursuit of it. Land, oil, power...they all focus on money. The almighty dollar. I know that sounds very cynical and I hoping solutions can be found that leave money out of the formula but greed is powerful and when there is a well to drink from; people drink.

    1. Hello
      I totally agree with you. Main problem is greed. Who have are in quest of more and even take from those who have less. I hope too if we can take money out of formula things will be easier and simpler. I hope we will remember our childhood lesson that greed is curse.
      thank you for your time

    2. Hi Andleeb. All of the problems you describe reflect the perpetual struggle between the best side of human nature and the worst side of it. We must each continue to do as much as we can to help the dis-advantaged and to convince others to do so but the politics of power have been with us for a long time and I see no end to that in sight. In my view the best hope is to persuade those with great power and wealth that their own overall security and quality of life is better served by elevating the most disadvantaged to a decent standard of living because whether we like it or not many are best motivated by their own self-interests

    3. Hello Paul

      You are right about that. God has given us free will to practice what we want. We need to work on best side to make this world a best place to live. As we have only one place Earth. I hope many will come forward to help others to bring good out.
      Thank you for your time.

  2. I think these worldwide problems are actually very individual ones. Each of us struggles in our own heart with what we can do, and we want to believe that if the government just did this or that, they could solve the problems of their people. That may be true to some extent, but if we are not looking around at what we can do individually as well, then there is no hope for the ones we come in contact on a daily basis. It's up to us to seize the moment, and do what ever we are capable of in each situation we are faced with. It's easy to say "we" when we mean "they" but it comes down to me because I am the only one I can control.

    1. Hello Meredith

      You are right, what we can do in our place and help others to practice good and bring a bigger change in world and help make this world a better place to live. only establishment can not do all for us, we need to come forward and help each other.
      Thank you for your time.

  3. Hi Andleeb
    You have nothing to apologize for. Your posts make us think and often act as a reminder to remember and do more for those who can't do for themselves. Power and greed often go together and I have no idea how that can ever change. But your posts at least let us look at our own little corner to see what we can do.

    1. Hello Lenie

      I really appreciate your encouragement.

      I hope some day we will try to understand and admire our differences and live with peace.
      I hope some day we will be living in a peaceful world.

      Thank you for your time.

  4. It would indeed be wonderful if we could all get along and respect each other's differences. Let's all pray that we achieve world peace before it is too late.

    1. Hello Doreen

      This is the key of the peace and harmony in world that I believe is lost somewhere and we have to come together and find it.
      Thank you for your time.

  5. Aw, Andleeb, It is an age old problem that only gets worse as the population grows. It gets down to power and the desire to have complete control. Power corrupts even the best of us. The fact is, all the trials of today is the belief "I have the answer and I know best, everyone else is wrong/flawed" regardless of religion, gender or politics. It you disagree, in some parts of the world you must die or you are ungodly and have no human rights.

    There is a belief and a saying; if an alien race did in fact visit this world, our knowledge of all we know would change. We would then know that there is another race outside of our world with more power, knowledge and yes of a very different belief system then our own unlike anything we currently have. This would profoundly change the face of humanity. Would it for the better? That is a very good question. Just my thoughts.

    1. Hello Susan

      I really appreciate your time and thoughts.
      You are right, most of the problems arise as we think that we know everything as you said. If we start valuing each other and thoughts then we can slowly, slowly start accepting the way we look like, we think, we feel and we are. Injustice and Discrimination can be changed with love and respect.
      There are many creations out in the world and they have more knowledge but while living in a very Earth we do not think about the universe taht is so big and has many things in it.

      I hope some day we will be in a better and peaceful world.

  6. It's an timeless problem...makes one wonder if things will ever change. There will always be difference, different motives, different approaches to the solution. Often times, there are several solutions to one problem, yet dis-respect for another viewpoint stops all actions! Tolerance would go a long long way...........

    1. Hello Jacqueline

      Thank you so much for your time and comment I wish I could reciprocate.
      You are right about everything. Truly sometimes we have a lot of solution to one problem but because of lack of communication of difference in opinion and belief leave the problem unsolved.
      I hope we will tolerate each other and accept the difference this will help us rise together towards a better future.
      Thank you again.

  7. It's often forgotten that all human beings have problems. It's just a question of what problems. The world would be a better place if we all respected that we are different. Imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same.

    1. Hello Catarina

      You are right, these are all colors of life and we must respect and love the freedom of each other.. live and let live can bring a big change.

  8. I think a common theme in the comments is that nothing in the world we ever be perfect. It is not a bad thing to write about it - it shows your awareness and sensitivity to the tragic events that go on in countries far removed and close. One can concentrate on giving, being sympathetic, and tolerating our own neighbors, while limiting our prejudices.... and praying for peace.

    1. Hello Laurie

      Time is so critical now, we are having bad news from every corner of world, everyday. In this situation, all we can do , is to pray for peace. Only God can help in such situation

      Thank you for your time.

  9. I have often wondered about the complexities of the world, and it brings me around in circles. I think you're onto something about overpopulation. Resources are being depleted and the global climate is changing causing extreme weather patterns. The less people there are, the less garbage, pollution, need to farm land/raise animals, etc. I hope things look up for you :)

    1. Hello Christina

      I think it is hard to reduce the population now, all we can do is the introduce new methods to best utilize available resources and such ways that are less harmful for our surrounding.
      Thank you for your time.

  10. Poverty is a dire issue everywhere. In the school I used to teach at, the lines between rich and poor, the haves and have nots, were quite stark. Elementary school teachers often teamed together to help wash a poor student's clothes in the school's locker room during the day. Or sometimes younger students casually talk about the mice that crawl over their beds in the middle of the night. It's hard to hear, especially when the student sitting next to them comes from a family that runs a huge business.

    1. Hello Jeri

      It is really nice to know about all the efforts that few people are carrying out to help those who really need it.

      It bring a lot in return. All the best and I hope that we will have peace in world.

      Thank you for your time.

  11. Human beings are so complicated. Within each of us, we seem to have been given the capacity for both good and evil --- to be compassionate and to be brutal --- to be caring and to be dismissive. It is too bad that more of us can't seem to listen to the better angels of our nature.

    1. Hello Suzanne

      You are right.
      God has given us free will to choose and practice freely , good or bad what we want. I hope that we practice good and send positive energy to others, it can help a lot to reduce problems. You are right about everything.

      Thank you for your time.

  12. The problem is that people interfere unnecessarily in other's life but when they are needed the most, they disappear. Secondly, people are waiting for miracles to happen and do not take actions. Miracle do happens but it does need some initiation from our part.

    1. Hello Laila

      I can not agree more.
      That's why we are told, a friend in need is friend indeed.

      A lot of problems are because of unnecessary interference in lives of others.

      Thank you for your time.

  13. Most of the problems that you described are because of one of the bad sides of human nature which is the pursuit of power. The way some people treat others is horribly but once you so them someone else comes in and takes over where they left off. So how do you end this cycle.?

    1. Hello jay

      You are right. I hope that we will prefer to practice good over eveil, it can bring peace in our lives and wold.

      Thank you for your time.

  14. A friend recently made the statement, "Everyone around the world suffers from discrimination of some kind and injustice." When I gave it some thought I found it to be true. It's important that we not only understand the customs of people of other lands, but also to respect their customs and beliefs. We cannot expect such respect from everyone, but it would be good if we took that responsibility ourselves.

    1. Hello Edward

      You are right and many problems arise because of discrimination and injustice

      I hope people will practice good over bad and help others to have a great and peaceful life, it can bring peace to us as well. We are all responsible for what is happening around and we have to fix it.
      Thank you for your time.

  15. Hello Andleeb,
    I agree with you that our Creator has created us to help and support each other.
    That's one of the reasons I live by four words: BE LOVE TO OTHERS.
    I think all problems are rooted in fear. The counter to all these issues is LOVE.
    The focus of our attention and energy must be directed on solutions that transcend race, religion, and riches. Love is a state of BEING that calls for us to be more benevolent, more understanding, more respectful, to offer more dignity... if for no other fact than that we are all part of the human race.

    Kind Regards,

    1. Hello William

      You are right that Love can bring peace to the world. I think this is the remedy to our ever increasing problems.
      We are all not same, as God has created us different all we have to do is to accept the difference and remember, blood has same color.

      Thank you for your time.

  16. All the problems you mentioned here are man made and can be solved with government's intervention in respective countries. Education nd awareness can help a lot in eradicating crimes and controlling population. All the religions in the world teach us to lead a better and dignified life. But sad that we fail to interpret these in the correct manner..

    1. Hello Tuhin

      I think that we need to revise the curriculum and make it in such a way that will help to eradicate violence and hatred. Love can bring the change that we need.

      Thank you for your time.

  17. hi andleeb; i know you would rather write about more positive subjects, but you also have to be true to yourself and your situation. I hope writing this post may have gotten your creative juices flowing again. best of luck, max

    1. Hello Max.

      Thank you for your time. I hope that we will have a better future.

      I hope so.

  18. Its unfortunate that these problems exist. Hopefully we have less of them in future,

    1. Hello Jason

      All of us can help to bring the change. I hope that future will be better.
      Thank you for your time.

  19. Sometimes it's impossible to get to the good without first dealing with the bad. The negative things happening in the world around us have the same source as the positive. Our capacity as humans to do good and evil. The problems won't go away unless we each as individuals decide to address them. If you can't write what you feel, what is the point of writing?

    1. Hello Debra

      Thank you, I really appreciate. I hope that all of us will have a better future. We all know that what are the problems and challenges we are facing, but I feel its like, if we remember them time and again then we will think about solutions as well. I hope to have a better future, where love will prevail and discrimination will be jailed,

      Thank you for your time.

  20. Thanks for the great insight on these issues. I have read a few books on children who suffer in Africa because they where forced to become African soldiers or abused or starved by their own families. I sponsor a girl in Africa so she can go to school and have a better life. It is so sad how some of these children are treated in these countries. It breaks my heart. I say everybody can help a little bit and to try and find something they are interested in helping in. =)

    1. Hello Crystal

      I feel that world is existing because of few kind hearts around. I wish you all the best and I hope that all of us will come forward and join you and think about those children who need attention. It is really sad but a true reality how children are abused in developing countries. I hope it will stop soon.
      Thank you for your time.

  21. I hear you Anna. We all get that and I have been also, but somehow the write up you do when you are down and you on't believe it was so great, turns out awesome. I just commented on Jacqui's blog saying "we see things as we are not as they are". This is where most of the world problems come from. I have come to accept that the world is not perfect and never will be. But I will do my best to make it better starting with the man in the mirror.

    1. Hello Welli

      I really appreciate your effort and thought. We can not make world perfect but we can make it peaceful. All of us have to stand and even a small smile can bring a change in one's life, we have to try to bring that smile on faces around us.

      Thank you for your time.

  22. The problem is based on our cultural story as a species that has come to believe it is separate from God and therefore from one another. Neale Donald Walsch writes ceaselessly about this, as evidenced in current global affairs around the world, in The Global Conversation which I suggest you look up and participate in with your astute comments which would be welcomed. He has also written a book called The Storm Before The Calm which I think you would find invaluable. There are links online where you can read this book without cost to participate more fully in The Global Conversation.

    1. Hello Michele

      I will really look up for those books and read them, thank you for recommendation.
      Thank you for your time and comment, much appreciated.
