If you like to eat biryani then i have a recipe for you i hope you will like this.
Ingredients needed for Biryani are;
Chicken : 1 and half kg
Rice : 1 Kg ( wash and
soak for half hour)
Yogurt ¼ cup
Spice for Biryani : 1 pack ( you can find this in supermarket )
Oil : ¼ cup
Vinegar : 1 tablespoon
Onion : 3 medium size
Tomatoes : 3 medium size
Potatoe: 1 medium size
Lemon : 1 big size
Cucumber : 2 medium size
Coriander : according to taste
Green chilies : 2,3
Salt : according to taste
Recipe :
Put spice of biryani in a large bowl and put yogurt , mix them
properly and add washed and cut pieces of chicken , and mix in such a way that
all chicken pieces are covered with mixture . Leave to marinate for almost 2
hours .
Turn on heat and start cooking rice , as you will be better familiar with the method to cook your rice . I normally soak rice for half hour and take double amount of water than rice as in half kg rice I put 1 liter of water .
Put required quantity water in pot , add salt according to your taste , add 2 table spoon of oil , 1 table spoon of vinegar and put on fire .
When water will start boiling rinse your rice and add rice in water and turn heat to full .
\Do not cover rice at this stage. When the level of rice and water will be almost equal or water little bit higher, then bring heat to lowest level , cover the rice and let it cook for 5 , 6 minutes to dry all water . Rice must be little bit hard as you have to put on fire again when you will layer with chicken
When water will start boiling rinse your rice and add rice in water and turn heat to full .
\Do not cover rice at this stage. When the level of rice and water will be almost equal or water little bit higher, then bring heat to lowest level , cover the rice and let it cook for 5 , 6 minutes to dry all water . Rice must be little bit hard as you have to put on fire again when you will layer with chicken
Close heat open lid of pot and let the rice, dry , you should not properly cook rice but keep them little bit hard.
Take a large cooking pot and put oil in it , turn on heat on medium and put finely chopped onions , let them brown . When the color change to brown take small quantity of browned onion out of oil , put in a plate to dry . Now in remaining brown onions put tomatoes and potatoes and cook until tomatoes and potatoes will softened and then tomatoes will disappear leaving only skin behind , also check that oil has left the mixture. Now put your marinated chicken in it. Cook on low heat until the oil will become separate from the gravy .
Now put 1-2 table spoon of oil in a pot , add 2-3 table spoon of water and put on fire , put 2,3 cardamoms , when water and oil will start boiling close heat . Now put half of rice in pot and then add a layer of chicken , put half chicken . Now put cut slices of lemon , chopped coriander , cucumber and then put some rice to cover meat and then again put lemon , coriander , cucumber , repeat until rice and chicken is finished. You can add some food color and then put the browned onions and cover the lid and leave on low heat for 10 minutes .
After 10 minutes you can open and if you want them mix the layers and enjoy a yummy biryani , I hope your tummy will like it.
Spices can be added according to taste if you want to eat a hot biyani put more spices , if you want to eat light , then add less spices.
I hope you will like it , when you will try.
Biryani seems yummy, my mouth is watering. Will definitely try this